Learning to color: Can artificial intelligence accurately colorize your black and white photos?

by Jeremy Gray posted Sunday, July 17, 2016 at 6:59 AM EDT There’s plenty of demand for colorization of black and white photos. There’s even a subreddit dedicated to adding realistic color to old black and white images. It can be a time-consuming process and you need to be very familiar with Photoshop — or similar software — to do it convincingly. However, Algorithmia has implemented the Colorful Image Colorization algorithm created by Richard Zhang, Philip Isola and Alexei A. Efros. This algorithm automates the process of colorization by leveraging Algorithmia’s cloud-based GPU network of hosted trained deep learning models. Deep learning is itself a fascinating and challenging field in computing. The idea is to create algorithms which can accurately model high-level abstractions that are typically exclusive to the human…

Link to Full Article: Learning to color: Can artificial intelligence accurately colorize your black and white photos?

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