Loving the Alien: Machine Learning and Publishing

Expert publishing blog opinions are solely those of the blogger and not necessarily endorsed by DBW. Over the past few weeks, Mike Shatzkin, Neil Balthaser and Ali Albazaz have debated whether machine learning systems will be able to predict a bestseller (Mike’s initial blog post is “Full text examination by computer is very unlikely to predict bestsellers”; Neil’s response is “Yes, Machine Learning Can Help Predict a Bestseller”; and Ali’s article is “Artificial intelligence and the art of reader-driven publishing.”) It’s been an interesting exchange about the value provided by today’s publishing organizations and the future of predictive analysis. That said, the growing deployment of machine learning systems raises larger questions for publishers that must be addressed soon, before publishers lose control over their intellectual property. Publishing is a technology-driven…

Link to Full Article: Loving the Alien: Machine Learning and Publishing

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