Machine Translation: The Combination of Machine Learning and Human Intelligence

In this special guest feature, Vasco Pedro, CEO and Co-Founder of Unbabel, discusses the importance of machine translation for natural languages and how it currently lacks the quality companies demand for their content. Dr. Pedro’ company is Unbabel, the Y Combinator-backed startup that combines crowdsourced human translation and machine learning to deliver fast translation services to businesses with human tone and nuance. Vasco previously worked for Google helping to develop technology for data computation and language at scale, and served as a research faculty member at the Technical University of Lisbon. Vasco holds a PhD in Language Technologies from Carnegie Mellon University in the field of computational semantics. Additionally, Vasco is a Fulbright Scholar, mentor, and advisor to a number of startups on top of being a serial entrepreneur. About 75%…

Link to Full Article: Machine Translation: The Combination of Machine Learning and Human Intelligence

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