‘Magenta’ Is Google’s New Project To Make Art With Artificial Intelligence

If Google’s artificial intelligence can paint its dreams, why not make other kinds of art? On June 1, Google is set to launch Magenta, a research project to explore using artificial intelligence to create art, and make that process easier for TensorFlow users. The group has about six researchers now, and will invite other academics to help try to solve the problem of creative machines. The project exists within Google Brain group. Douglas Eck, a researcher on the Magenta project, said that the group will first tackle algorithms that can generate music, then move to video and then other visual arts. “There’s a couple of things that got me wanting to form Magenta, and one of them was seeing the completely, frankly, astonishing improvements in the state of the art…

Link to Full Article: ‘Magenta’ Is Google’s New Project To Make Art With Artificial Intelligence

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