Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook Invest Heavily On Artificial Intelligence and Bodyguards

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has now weighed in on what is important to him and the future of the company that he founded over a decade ago. One thing that was of particular interest was what he had to say about artificial intelligence and what it means to Facebook, and the internet, moving forward. What Mark Zuckerberg is currently doing with artificial intelligence is what most people would see as the technology of the future. A.I. has long been considered an inevitable form of technology that was bound to make its way to the public in one way or another at some point. The fact that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg have set their sights on it means they are clearly focusing on the future. But what he had to say…

Link to Full Article: Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook Invest Heavily On Artificial Intelligence and Bodyguards

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