Microsoft Upgrades Its Azure Machine Learning Service, Video Summarization, Hyperlapse, OCR …

Microsoft is notching up its Azure Media services platform by a couple of notches. The company is now going to implement its machine learning tools into its collection of cloud-based tools for video workflows. Now, you may wonder at the apparent non-existence of a relation between videos and machine learning. Machine learning after all, is used for data analysis. It can’t be used with videos, right? Wrong. Apparently, Microsoft’s integration will let its Media Services automatically select the most interesting parts from a source video — Basically, a summary of what the whole thing is about. And hold your horses, because that’s not even the most interesting part yet. The company is also building face detection into its video tools so that you could also recognize how people are reacting…

Link to Full Article: Microsoft Upgrades Its Azure Machine Learning Service, Video Summarization, Hyperlapse, OCR …

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