Most detailed map of the brain EVER revealed thanks to AI

GETTY Scientists have created the most detailed map of the brainA group known as the Human Connectome Project (HCP) created the most sophisticated map which includes 100 previously unknown areas of the brain. The team incorporated AI into the project which had the ability to learn regions of the brain by monitoring 210 people. The study read: “To enable automated delineation and identification of these areas in new HCP subjects and in future studies, we trained a machine-learning classifier to recognise the multi-modal fingerprint of each cortical area.” During the experiment, the researchers divided the brain into 180 cortical areas, including 97 new ones. Related articles Scientists make strong progress in bringing brains back from the DEAD Scientists record brain activity of man ‘talking to GOD’ Matthew F. Glasser, David…

Link to Full Article: Most detailed map of the brain EVER revealed thanks to AI

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