Neuro-science: The long view on Cannes effectiveness award winners

Creativity & Payback – Common Threads through the YearsFor the fifth year now, Adnews & Neuro-Insight have teamed up to look at the Cannes award winners through the lens of neuroscience. It’s always fascinating to get another take on the award winners by simply measuring what consumers’ pure responses are to those beautifully crafted ads – the same ads that we’ve just heard so much commentary & opinion about for the past week or so. The long view on effectivenessLooking back over the years of Effectiveness award winners, what’s the common thread between these creative pieces that have driven tangible business results? Is there a rule to making highly effective ads? The rule is – there are no hard & fast rules! Every creative has it’s own unique chemistry which…

Link to Full Article: Neuro-science: The long view on Cannes effectiveness award winners

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