NVIDIA Launches Tesla M10 Quad Maxwell Graphics Card – 32 GB Memory, 2560 Cores Aimed at …

NVIDIA has launched their latest Tesla M10 graphics card which features four Maxwell based GPUs on a single PCB. The Tesla M10 graphics card is aimed at Virtual PCs and Virtual application workloads with a design that’s user optimized meaning that it can support several virtual users on a single graphics card. Remote enterprise market will benefit the most from this graphics card. Unlike the Tesla M60 which is the performance optimized solution or the Tesla M6 which is the blade optimized solution, the Tesla M10 will be NVDIA’s user density optimized solution which aims to provide the maximum no of virtual users on a single graphics card. NVIDIA is also partnering with several virtualization companies to offer to offer remote desktop sessions to users at $2 per month and virtual…

Link to Full Article: NVIDIA Launches Tesla M10 Quad Maxwell Graphics Card – 32 GB Memory, 2560 Cores Aimed at …

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