NVIDIA welcomes Intel into AI era: Fancy a benchmark deathmatch?

HPC blog NVIDIA just fired the first salvo in what promises to be a classic and long-lived benchmark death match vs Intel. In the webpage titled “Correcting Intel’s Deep Learning Benchmark Mistakes,” NVIDIA claimed that Intel was using outdated GPU benchmark results and noncurrent hardware comparisons to show off its new Knights Landing Xeon Phi processors. NVIDIA called out three Intel claims in particular: “Xeon Phi is 2.3 times faster in training than GPUs.” This claim was made in a press presentation delivered at ISC’16 and on an Intel-produced “fact sheet” (PDFs available here and here). It specifically refers to a stat at the left side of slide 12 (and the second page of the fact sheet) where Intel claims Phi is 2.3 times faster on the AlexNet image training…

Link to Full Article: NVIDIA welcomes Intel into AI era: Fancy a benchmark deathmatch?

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