Pinterest introduces visual search tool for iOS, Android, and the web

Pinterest’s new visual search tool is like facial recognition … but for furniture. Just as Shazam lets you identify unfamiliar songs that you’re listening to, Pinterest now lets you identify unfamiliar objects, which as any DIY-er or crafter will tell you, absolutely essential to getting your next project off the ground.As per Pinterest’s blog post about their “crazy-fun new” tool, “When you spot something in a Pin that you want to learn more about, tap the search tool in the corner. Then select the part of the Pin you’re interested in, and we’ll show you Pins just like it. You can even filter your visual search results by topic so you find exactly what you’re looking for.” Not bad, Pinterest. Recognizing that we sometimes just don’t have the words to…

Link to Full Article: Pinterest introduces visual search tool for iOS, Android, and the web

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