Power BI features released, Microsoft Data Science Summit announced

Microsoft’s Power BI has been a successful tool in the analytics market, but the company took a while to make it truly developer-friendly. Power BI 1.0 had virtually no developer extensibility or integration. Power BI 2.0, however, added an API for pushing data into the cloud service. More recently, the company announced a preview of an Azure Service, called Power BI Embedded, which allows developers to, well, embed Power BI in their applications and pay based on the number of visualizations rendered. That service is moving out of preview and into general availability (GA) on Monday, and pricing will be based on whole reports — rather than individual visuals — served. Public offering Also moving into GA is Power BI “Publish to Web”, which allows individual reports to be embedded…

Link to Full Article: Power BI features released, Microsoft Data Science Summit announced

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