Researchers teach AI system to run complex physics experiment

ACTON, Australia, May 16 (UPI) — A pair of physicists in Australia have trained an artificial intelligence system to replicate the experiment that won the 2001 Nobel Prize. The experiment involves what is known as a Bose-Einstein condensate, the trapping of an ultra-cool gas in a series of lasers. At just a billionth of a degree above absolute zero, Bose-Einstein condensates constitute some of the coldest temperatures in the universe — colder than interstellar space. Because these trapped gases are so sensitive, researchers are working to harness and utilize them as sensors for mineral exploration and navigational systems. A sensor powered by Bose-Einstein condensates could potentially pick up on tiny changes in the Earth’s magnetic field or gravity. Physicists Paul Wigley and Michael Hush cooled down gas to one microkelvin…

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