Robots, Recycling and Deep Learning

News Robots, Recycling and Deep Learning Seb Egerton-Read 2015-11-10 Seb Egerton-Read · November 10, 2015 0 3 0 One of the biggest challenges associated with creating effective material flows, where products and components are kept at their highest value for as long as possible cycling through the economy, is the separating out of different streams. Part of the solution is to make the flows effective to the point where a large mixture of end-of-life products is never created in the first place. However, it feels likely that waste material mixtures will always exist at some level. One potential opportunity, now being exploited by Eugenio Garnica from Sadako Technologies, is to utilise the potential of robotics and deep learning machines to sort through waste for high-value materials and components. Licensed under…

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