Leverages Autodesk Forge and Artificial Intelligence

Autodesk Forge is our collection of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) that we use to develop our own web services. As part of our Autodesk Forge efforts, we share those APIs (including documentation and code samples) with customers and 3rd party developers (the Forge community) that want to leverage the mounds of data that they have associated with their projects. Speaking of massive amounts of data, check out this article on that showed what is doing to process the endless amount of video that gets captured at a construction site. Read the article on The article points out that has developed a smart photo and video management platform that uses synthetic vision and deep learning to tell project team members important things about their construction project. Synthetic vision relies on a computer-mediated reality system for aerial vehicles that was originally used to provide pilots with clear and intuitive means of understanding their flying environment. In the case of a construction project, 3D data is collected by flying an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with a video camera around the site. The pilot is on the ground with the UAV controller. Deep learning is a step towards artificial intelligence based on artificial neural networks that…

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