Special Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience

The 2016 installment of The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience series presents in-depth reviews on a range of topics, including the emergence of cognition in prenatal and infant development; the role of reward learning in shaping attentional selection; causes and consequences of limitations in visual working memory; the effects of acute stress on episodic memory retrieval; the role of the hippocampus in memory and mental construction, as well as in learning and retrieving sequences of events; the lateralization of word retrieval; neuroimaging and neurological evidence that thought engages distinct brain regions from language; the contributions of the cerebellum to motor control and language comprehension; the neuroscience of aesthetics; drugs, games, and devices for enhancing cognition; the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on social cognition; and brain network interactions underlying the…

Link to Full Article: Special Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience

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