Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA): Artificial Intelligence Startup Receives Billion Investment, Prominent …

Artificial intelligence is a startup artificial intelligence company where prominent tech executives, including Elon Musk, Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) Chief Executive are rendering $1 billion finances. This monetary contribution is done to a non-profit artificial intelligence research company, which aims at augmenting humans’ capabilities, and does not want to make them archaic. OpenAl, the name given to the effort is also a part of other measures, taken by well-known companies like IBM, Google and Apple to beat advanced computer technology to solve problems such as translating languages or identifying faces. Other prominent entities that are part of venture contributors include LinkedIn Corp co-founder Reid Hoffman, Musk and PayPal Holding Inc co-founder Peter Thiel. The venture is also backed by Greg Brockman, former chief technology officer of payments startup Stripe, Amazon’s…

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