The Biggest Challenges Facing Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Business And Society

This week a report by PwC found that artificial intelligence could add as much as $15.7 trillion – around same as the combined output of China and India – to the global economy by 2030. Everyone is in agreement that it is a technology which can change the world, and from space exploration to countering terrorism and even creating art, its potential is becoming increasingly apparent. It still faces significant hurdles though – challenges that will have to be overcome before that potential can be achieved. Many see meeting those challenges as a task of utmost priority for the tech industry right now. Shutterstock Lack of compute power Let’s start with an easy one, and one which is likely to be solved over time, although until it is, it shouldn’t be taken for granted that it will be. AI – specifically the machine learning and deep learning techniques which show the most promise, require a huge number of calculations to be made very quickly. This means they use a lot of processing power. Stephen Brobst, CTO at Teradata, tells me “Until about two years ago there was a brick wall – AI has been around in theory for a long…

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