The effect of high-fat diet on rat’s mood, feeding behavior and response to stress

Citation: Translational Psychiatry (2015) 5, e684; doi:10.1038/tp.2015.178Published online 24 November 2015S Aslani1,2, N Vieira1,2, F Marques1,2, P S Costa1,2, N Sousa1,2 and J A Palha1,2 Top of page Introduction Obesity is one of the main health concerns in today’s society.1 It is mainly described as an excessive increase in body weight, with disproportionate accumulation of body fat mass, caused by excess energy intake over energy expenditure over a long period of time.1, 2 Besides the well-recognized set of metabolic alterations, obesity is also suggested to be associated with psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety and depression2 (albeit not all studies show such association).3, 4, 5 Depression in itself is a serious chronic mental disorder characterized by health complications including, among others, anhedonia and changes in appetite and pattern of food intake.6, 7, 8, 9 Mild environmental stressors, to which…

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