The vital role of CognitiveJ in Machine Learning

Diving deep into Machine Learning The vital role of CognitiveJ in Machine Learning July 26, 2016 Ian Kelly Machine learning image via Shutterstock Machine learning may sound futuristic, but its not. Speech recognition systems such as Cortana or Search in e-commerce systems have already showed us the benefits and challenges that go hand in hand with these systems. In our machine learning series we will introduce you to several tools that make all this possible. First stop: CognitiveJ. This article is part of a Machine Learning series. Our first expert is Ian Kelly, a highly experienced and passionate technologist with over 12 years of experience. In this article, he talks about the machine learning library CognitiveJ. CognitiveJ —What’s under the hood CognitiveJ is a Java library which gives developers access to a rich collection…

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