The White House Releases Paper on What It Wants to Do With Artificial Intelligence

The White House released a document earlier in the year via the Office of the President and the National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology (NSTC). It spanned 58 pages and was comprised of all the information the branch had compiled on artificial intelligence, or AI, that we should all keep in mind as technology continues to advance. The report itself was “chartered in May 2016 to foster interagency coordination, to provide technical and policy advice on topics related to AI, and to monitor the development of AI technologies across industry, the research community, and the Federal Government,” and it was eventually distilled into seven mandates meant to act as a guide for those acting in the field and industry as a whole. The future is rapidly progressing with…

Link to Full Article: The White House Releases Paper on What It Wants to Do With Artificial Intelligence

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