There’s an AI storm brewing between Google and Microsoft

Both companies announced larger AI initiatives this week, and it’s all under the guise of making humanity great again. Ever wonder whether artificial intelligence is a one-trick pony? Are there other practical applications for AI, besides giving a marketing edge to the latest smartphone releases? That’s what Google, and a whole host of other technology companies, are aiming to figure out. This week, Google announced the People + AI Research Initiative (or PAIR), a new program devoted to advancing the use of artificial intelligence. According to the official blog, the program plans to bring together numerous researchers from Google and several outside research facilities to effectively “redesign the ways people interact with AI systems.” The underlying goal is to figure out the “human side” of it all, including its application in various trades and industries. Google is even opening up its Facets Overview and Facets Drive visualization tools so that AI engineers can unpack it and study the machine learning process: We think this is important because training data is a key ingredient in modern AI systems, but it can often be a source of opacity and confusion. Indeed, one of the ways that ML engineering seems different than traditional…

Link to Full Article: There’s an AI storm brewing between Google and Microsoft

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