Tips for the FBI (or Any Organization) Hiring a Data Scientist

Ann Irvine is principal data scientist at RedOwl. The FBI announced it’s hiring its first senior-level data scientist, meaning the agency is officially recognizing that insight into data is a critically needed piece of its risk management strategy. However, as someone who has worked in the field for years, specializing in natural language processing and machine translation, I understand all too well the work the bureau has cut out for it in finding the right candidate and integrating that person into its organization—challenges that might prove larger than the agency originally anticipated. Data Scientists Aren’t Created Equal First and foremost, data scientists across organizations and industries have wildly different backgrounds, skillsets and job responsibilities. That’s why it’s crucial for the FBIーor any organization in search of this type of new…

Link to Full Article: Tips for the FBI (or Any Organization) Hiring a Data Scientist

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