Trustworthy AIs may Lead to Collaborative Efforts Between Human and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will either take our jobs away or help our society improve productivity overall, sometimes both. According to Tolga Kurtoglu -CEO of Parc- humans and AI will work together in virtually every job one can think of. That is an intriguing statement, as many people may not feel comfortable working together with an AI. It seems we cannot avoid AI affecting our jobs in one way or another. Can Humans and AI Really Work Together? Saying we will see collaborative efforts between AI and humans is one thing, but turning it into a reality is something else entirely. The Parc CEO feels trustable artificial intelligence will be the next frontier. We need to come up with ways to make AI solutions trustworthy in the eyes of humans. This means discouraging the AI from taking away people’s jobs, turning against their human creators, and destroying the planet if science fiction movies are to be believed. Trust can only be established if humans and AI are given a chance to work together. In the job sector, this much easier said than done, and it seems highly unlikely the human mind will be able to keep up with AI. This is especially true if artificial…

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