Zebra Medical debuts two machine learning algorithms to predict heart disease risk

Machine learning player Zebra Medical Vision has come up with two new algorithms that can help predict patients’ risk of cardiovascular events. Applying them to routine CT scans could help physicians identify high-risk patients early enough to ward off cardiovascular disease and fatty liver, which are both underdiagnosed. The first algorithm quantifies the amount of calcification or plaque in coronary arteries, which can predict the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke. The second identifies fatty liver in a patient’s CT scans, offering information about the patient’s metabolic state. If fatty liver is caught early enough, steps can be taken to prevent its progressing to cirrhosis, chronic liver disease or liver cancer. While the algorithms are useful on their own, they are particularly effective when used together,…

Link to Full Article: Zebra Medical debuts two machine learning algorithms to predict heart disease risk

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