DSI Seminar: Computational Policy Analytics

Abstract: With advances in computer sciences as well as widespread availability of big data from government programs, a new field of “computational policy analytics” is emerging that integrates computer science and public policy for generating novel insights to inform...

The Power Of Machine Learning

Jeff Erhardt, GE Digital's VP of Intelligent Systems, talks about the issues and challenges of Machine Learning, and how businesses can make use of the emerging technology. Link to Full Article: Read...


University of Notre Dame · College of Science · University of Notre Dame | Data Science. Toggle navigation. Why Notre Dame · Program Details · Application Process · Blog … Link to Full Article: Read...

The Future of Machine Learning is Female

Deep Learning breaks down these higher-level layers into many lower-level ones that can be executed by the computer. Back to the image example, this means the program would look at color patterns, contours and edges to recognize forms of objects and their color. After...

The Future of Machine Learning is Female

The keynote speaker, Professor Doina Precup, is a prominent figure within the Machine Learning community. She gave a talk about her life path and current projects, and was accompanied by Maluuba and Element AI employees, two of whom spoke onstage. The rest which were...

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine Learning Engineer – Healthcare and Pharma. Machine Learning. Machine Learning. Machine Learning. Machine Learning. If you're looking for a Machine Learning position, the aforementioned number of times I've mentioned the term is the amount of...

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