Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft Form AI Partnership
Amid anxiety over Artificial Intelligence, some of the tech world’s giants are forming a partnership to exploit the potential benefits of thinking machines. Amazon, Google and DeepMind, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft announced the creation of a non-profit to handle the high-level steering of AI’s future. Called the Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society, it will conduct research, recommend best practices and probe issues such as ethics, transparency, collaboration between people and AI, and fairness, they said. They will not, however, lobby government of policy-making entities, they added. “AI technologies hold tremendous potential to improve many aspects of life, ranging from healthcare, education and manufacturing to home automation and transportation,” the group said in their Wednesday announcement. “Through rigorous research, the development best practices and an open and…
Link to Full Article: Amazon, Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft Form AI Partnership