Automating Data Science (ERC) / Probabilistic Programming / Relational Learning job with KU …

The lab for Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence hosts about 12 professors, 6 post-docs and 40 PhD students. It investigates a variety of topics in the areas of artificial intelligence, uncertainty reasoning, data mining, declarative languages, knowledge representation, machine learning as well as applications in the life sciences, robotics, big data, natural language processing, etc.In the Machine Learning group, our researchers investigate a wide variety of machine learning, data mining and data analysis problems from an artificial intelligence perspective. They concentrate on problems that involve complex and structured data and background knowledge using expressive relational representations, rich probabilistic models, graphs and networks.There are several openings for PhD students and post-docs working under Prof. Luc De Raedt in the following projects:- the ERC Advanced GrantSYNTH (Synthesising Inductive Data Models) which started…

Link to Full Article: Automating Data Science (ERC) / Probabilistic Programming / Relational Learning job with KU …

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