Bringing people back from the DEAD using artificial intelligence: Humai plans to wire brains of the …
Details of how Los Angeles-based firm plan to resurrect humans is scarceIts founder has said it would involve ‘cryonics technology to freeze brains”Personalities’ would be ‘coded’ into chips and sensors in an artificial bodyHumai claims this technology could be available as soon as 2040 By Victoria Woollaston for MailOnline Published: 14:45, 26 November 2015 | Updated: 14:54, 26 November 2015 Many companies, including Google, are working on ways to extend our lives by tens if not hundreds of years, but Humai wants to turn this idea on its head. Rather than making us live longer, the Los Angeles firm wants to bring people back from the dead using artificial intelligence. Details about the technology are scarce, and it’s not entirely clear whether it is a hoax or not, but the plans would involve freezing a…
Link to Full Article: Bringing people back from the DEAD using artificial intelligence: Humai plans to wire brains of the …