Call for Abstracts

Abstract Sessioning Accepted abstracts are organized into topically-based scientific poster sessions, Theme J poster sessions and nanosymposia.  Abstract submitters should consult the Theme and Topics list before submitting their abstract to determine which topic best fits the abstract being submitted. It is important that you properly categorize your abstract so that it will be reviewed by the appropriate Program Committee member(s). Your theme and topic selection helps the Program Committee to group abstracts; they do not represent the titles of annual meeting sessions.  First authors of submitted abstracts will receive notification of their abstract’s acceptance status in late-June. Communications regarding abstracts will be sent to first authors only. Other co-authors should ask their abstract’s first author for information regarding their abstract, or refer to the Neuroscience Meeting Planner, available in mid-August. Dynamic Posters A limited number of abstracts will…

Link to Full Article: Call for Abstracts

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