Cisco Dividend Stock Analysis

As I was researching which dividend stocks to consider for a next purchase, I noticed the technology industry portion within my portfolio does not have a large weighting. After reviewing strong companies within the technology space based on liquidity, market capitalization, dividend yield and payout ratio, Cisco (CSCO) is the one name that was very strong across all fronts. About the Company – Cisco Cisco is the main service provider for integrated, secured networks across the top 50 companies in the world to even small local companies. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have run into a Cisco secured network when opening an e-mail, and they definitely don’t make it easy. And honestly, that is a great thing. What is Cisco currently up to? Well, they’ve been on an acquisition spree in the 2nd and 3rd quarters – picking up/announcing over 4 deals that are primarily focused on cloud application, analytics and an artificial intelligence company. Think about what’s been a huge driver lately? Cloud? Check. Ability to analyze statistics and data? Check. Artificial intelligence creation (i.e., Alexa, Siri, Google)? Check. They are acquiring entities in the right areas of technology in order to stay…

Link to Full Article: Cisco Dividend Stock Analysis

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