Cognitive computing and the evolution of knowledge work – Part 1

Cognitive computing will be as disruptive to organizations in the next decade as social media was in the last—and perhaps even more so. In fact, Gartner has predicted that the smart machine era will be the most disruptive in the history of IT.We are on the brink of a paradigm shift involving the fundamental human processes that guide information discovery, insight extraction, problem solving and decision-making.Cognitive computing, machine learning and predictive analytics will permeate every aspect of our lives and radically transform how we learn and interact in our digital lives. Content management, collaboration and the entire search experience will evolve to become more automated, seamless and personalized. The result is that we will rely on computers even more heavily than we do now while forging increasingly complex—even intimate—relationships with…

Link to Full Article: Cognitive computing and the evolution of knowledge work – Part 1

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