Dear Future Dead People, Don’t Trust This Guy’s Plan To Resurrect You

A Los Angeles man’s alleged plan to resurrect the deceased using cryonics and artificial intelligence may be dead on arrival.  Multiple news outlets these week proclaimed that a company called  Humai is developing methods that will get previously dead people up and walking within 30 years. But experts in the field say there’s no way Humai’s plan is feasible, and there’s some evidence the whole thing may be a hoax. Humai founder and CEO Josh Bocanegra says the company will rely on advances in artificial technology, nanotechnology and cryonics — and some advanced planning from future dead people while they are still alive. “We’ll first collect extensive data on our members for years prior to their death via various apps we’re developing. After death, we’ll freeze the brain using cryonics technology,” he told…

Link to Full Article: Dear Future Dead People, Don’t Trust This Guy’s Plan To Resurrect You

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