DS-GA 3001.004 Text as Data
Text as Data Spring 2016 Lecture: Wednesdays 5:10 – 7:00 pm in Warren Weaver Hall 109 Instructor: Prof. Arthur Spirling, arthur.spirling@nyu.edu Section: Thursdays 6:10 – 7:00 pm in SILV 207 Teaching Assistant: Kevin Munger, km2713@nyu.edu Prerequisites At the very least, students should have a first class in statistics and/or inference under their belt before taking this course. In particular, basic knowledge of calculus, probability, densities, distri- butions, statistical tests, hypothesis testing, the linear model, maximum likelihood and generalized linear models is assumed. The core language and software environment of this course is R. If you are not familiar with R, you will struggle with the assigned exercises. Please check with the instructor if you unclear as to whether you are qualified for this course. Overview The availability of text data…
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