Let’s face it – we’ve all been lied to upon asking a friend or family member for an opinion. But what if you had the power to understand someone’s honest, gut reaction based on what they think? What would you ask first?

Artificial emotional intelligence (Emotion AI) company Truthify wants to make that a reality. On Thursday, 5/17*, Truthify will announce a first-of-its kind, short-form video messaging app to help consumers, brands, marketers, agencies, and others gather at-scale audience feedback that is immediate, authentic and actionable.

Anyone that wants to identify emotional reactions to their message or content can use Truthify to upload or record a video and send it to an endless number of recipients. Then, the app uses Emotion AI tech from Affectiva to identify the recipient’s subconscious emotional reaction to the sender’s message.

For example, someone could send a message to a love interest asking, “Do you want to go on a date with me?” and see their true reactions – whether they show interest through excitement or happiness, or disinterest through sadness, disgust or anger. Or, a brand could send an advertisement to a test group, to see if it’s eliciting the desired response, i.e. making respondents laugh if the ad is supposed to be funny.

You’re welcome to download Truthify and follow this link to test out some of the videos already in the app.

Are you interested in speaking with Kevin Knull, CEO and co-founder of Truthify, to learn more ahead of the launch? I can also share the press release and other videos under embargo if you’re interested.



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