Emotional hangover psychology: Brain scans show how emotional baggage affects how you feel
We may all have had an emotional hangover at one point or another – whether it’s struggling to get over a bad experience or reeling with happiness after a good one. Now scientists have mapped what goes on in the brain when one emotional experience affects how you feel about the events that follow. Neuroscientists scanned the brains of people while they viewed an image that stirred them up emotionally and then when they viewed a neutral image about 12 to 30 minutes later. They found that the subjects’ brain activity still showed echoes of the emotional experience when they viewed the second image. Lasting emotions Activity in several parts of the brain – the amygdala, hippocampus and medial temporal lobe – is linked to the formation and sticking power…
Link to Full Article: Emotional hangover psychology: Brain scans show how emotional baggage affects how you feel