Expanding the Problem Set: Machine Learning and Transportation

  TRANSPORTATION LECTURE SERIES Expanding the Problem Set: Machine Learning and Transportation Machine learning is driving cars, reducing credit card fraud, and improving internet search results. In this talk, Dr Walsh will describe the growing application of machine learning to link social problems, particularly those with transport components. Examples will include surveying transport experts, improving emergency dispatches, and finding the lobbyists and legislators who wrote transport legislation. WHEN: Monday, 12 September 2016WHERE: Newmarket Research Precinct, Seminar Room 902.402, 314 Khyber Pass RoadPARKING: Available; enter via Gate W3 on Khyber Pass Road DR JOE WALSHSenior Researcher, University of Chicago Dr Joe Walsh is a senior researcher at the University of Chicago’s Center for Data Science and Public Policy and a senior policy analyst for Community Technical Resources. He has had several years of experience helping academics, nonprofits,…

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