Facebook Shuts Down Artificial Intelligence System That Created Language To Talk To Itself

After recent concerns over the implications of artificial intelligence, a report says that Facebook has shut-down an artificial intelligence system after researchers found out that it had started talking in a language they could not comprehend, reminiscent of the Terminator films. A report in Tech Times says that the bots started communicating in a language that it created, and which was not English, their earlier preference. Advertisement opens in new window Bob: “I can can I I everything else.” Alice: “Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to.” The above is a reported conversation between the bots, unintelligible to humans, but designed to make communication faster between them. The bit is scary since experts like Stephen Hawking have been warning against the same, saying that humans, used to slower evolution, will be fast outpaced by these intelligence bots. An IBTimes report quotes Dhruv Batra, a visiting Facebook AI research scientist saying: Agents will drift off understandable language and invent codewords for themselves,” Batra said. “Like if I say ‘the’ five times, you interpret that to mean I want five copies of this item. This isn’t so different from…

Link to Full Article: Facebook Shuts Down Artificial Intelligence System That Created Language To Talk To Itself

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