Facebook’s Trending Topics algorithm didn’t really get duped

One thing I’ve long admired about Facebook was that it routinely added in a human element, alongside machine learning, when it came to making recommendations. That was the case with the Siri-like service, called M, that it released last year, and with event recommendations it launched in June. Machine learning is great, but it’s still a machine, one that can’t reason things out the way a person can. However, humans are just as likely to mess things up, as Facebook learned on Monday, when a fake news story about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly became a trending topic for many hours, much to the company’s embarrassement.  This inaccuracy has become big news due to the fact that Facebook updated Trending Topics to remove the people who were curating that content on Friday, leadning many to put the blame for…

Link to Full Article: Facebook’s Trending Topics algorithm didn’t really get duped

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