Forget anonymity, we can remember you wholesale with machine intel, hackers warned

32c3 Anonymous programmers, from malware writers to copyright infringers and those baiting governments with censorship-foiling software, may all be unveiled using stylistic programming traits which survive into the compiled binaries – regardless of common obfuscation methods. Youtube Video The work, titled De-anonymizing Programmers: Large Scale Authorship Attribution from Executable Binaries of Compiled Code and Source Code, was presented by Aylin Caliskan-Islam to the 32nd annual Chaos Communications Congress on Tuesday. It was accompanied by the publication of an arxiv [PDF] titled When Coding Style Survives Compilation: De-anonymizing Programmers from Executable Binaries, written by researchers based at Princeton University in the US, one of whom is notably part of the Army Research Laboratory. The researchers began trying to identifying malicious programmers, noting that there is “no technical difference” between security-enhancing use-cases…

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