Google Neural Network is Learning to Find Where Photos Were Taken
Ever see an awesome photo and wonder where it was exactly taken? Sure, we can usually figure out the general area it was taken based on languages or type of architecture. We can even figure out exactly where it was taken if it’s an obvious landmark such as the Eiffel Tower or Grand Canyon. But what about the photos that don’t have any landmarks or other indicators? Google’s answer to this problem is artificial intelligence.Tobias Weyand, a computer vision specialist at Google, along with Ilya Kostrikov and James Philbin trained an AI (dubbed PlaNet) to figure out the most likely location of almost any photo by using just the pixels. How they did it First, Weyand and company divided the world into a grid of more than 26,000 squares. The…
Link to Full Article: Google Neural Network is Learning to Find Where Photos Were Taken