Humai Is Working On A Way To Bring Your Loved Ones Back From The Dead

+1 Tweet Share Reddit Share Share Stumble Pin This is already sounding like something from Tim Burton’s film Frankenweenie, where a boy wants to bring back his dead dog back to life with the use of electricity. A technology company based out of Los Angeles, California called Humai has the same thought in mind, but won’t be using electricity to resurrect your loved once. Instead they will be using an artificial intelligence in an artificial body to keep the dead around much longer. Humai’s project “Atom and Eve” allows human consciousness to be transferred to an artificial body after dying. Artificial intelligence will be used to bring back those from the dead and the company has already started research on it. Humai is already using artificial intelligence, bionics, and nanotechnology, and expect the…

Link to Full Article: Humai Is Working On A Way To Bring Your Loved Ones Back From The Dead

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