Launch of Mini-Tutorial and Seminar Series on Machine Learning

We have the pleasure of initiating the series with a 3-hour tutorial on Sparse Representations and their Applications to be delivered by the renowned expert Jean-Luc Starck this Friday, September 2, 09:30-13:00 in Storstua. One of the essential parts of the Machine Learning Course at Simula is the Mini-Tutorial and Seminar Series. The series will span from Sep. 2016 until May 2017, where external experts will be invited to present their current research, perspectives of the field, and outline strategies for further development.  Dr Starck is the Director of Research and head of the CosmoStat laboratory at the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe, CEA-Saclay, France. The CosmoStat Lab performs interdisciplinary research combining cosmology and statistical methods with a focus on industry-academia partnership. Dr Starck is a recipient…

Link to Full Article: Launch of Mini-Tutorial and Seminar Series on Machine Learning

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