Machine learning makes Google Translate 60% more accurate

Machine learning makes Google Translate 60% more accurate. Image credit: Wallpapercave. Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL) recently launched the Google Neural Machine Translation system (GNMT) into its Google Translate program. The new method will boost the translation accuracy of the service. It will also replace its previous Phrase-Based Machine Translation system (PBMT). Google Translate was born ten years ago with the key phrase-based algorithm running it. The service has improved over time thanks to advances in machine intelligence. However, the GNMT will take it to the next level. The PBMT treated each phrase or word as stand-alone components. Meanwhile, the GNMT uses machine learning and neural networks to translate whole sentences as well as consider phrases within them. Google’s free multilingual statistical machine translation service can translate text, speech, images, sites, or…

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