Marie Skłodowska Curie Early Stage Researcher (PhD) position in Computational Neuroscience a …
Bipolar cells (BC) are the first tier in the visual system where the image projected onto the retina is split into ~14 parallel representations that highlight different visual features. Yet little is known how these channels act together and collectively complement each other to efficiently encode an image, and which principles determine the diversity of visual features extracted by the different BC channels.The project aims at modelling the nonlinear transformation of visual information that is performed by the BCs as an ensemble, by combining network topology from retinal connectomics data with a data-driven systems identification approach. The ESR will develop models that predict the somatic potential of different BC types for arbitrary (synthetic and natural) input image sequences. These models will serve as a starting point to address questions such…
Link to Full Article: Marie Skłodowska Curie Early Stage Researcher (PhD) position in Computational Neuroscience a …