NTU unveils Nadine, one of two robots with artificial intelligence software
NTU unveils two robots which can operate on artificial intelligence software developed by their scientists NTU has taken Singapore a step closer to having emotive and intelligent robots not unlike C-3PO from the Star Wars movie franchise. Nadine, a new social robot unveiled at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) yesterday, can look someone in the eye and respond to questions with a range of emotions. Insult her and she will get angry. Compliment her and you will get a smile in return. Modelled in the likeness of her creator, Professor Nadia Thalmann, director of NTU’s Institute of Media Innovation, Nadine was one of the two robots showcased at the university’s demonstration of artificial intelligence press conference. With her brunette hair and detailed skin texture, Nadine was built by Kokoro, a…
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