Outlook 2017: Louis Lovas, OneMarketData

  Louis Lovas is director of solutions at OneMarketData.What is the most important lesson of 2016?The increased use of cloud computing by firms both on the private and public cloud has been visible in 2016. Infrastructure and platforms have matured, with more users looking to outsource the next level of services – key business solutions for reduced operational and software costs. Machine learning has surged in quant finance and will continue to advance in 2017 with many of its capabilities not yet explored especially within cloud infrastructures. It will be interesting to see how and if elastic analytics for machine learning can be used for algo trading, market surveillance as a predictive tool and how the role of humans on the trading floor will be impacted. Increasing competition and thinning…

Link to Full Article: Outlook 2017: Louis Lovas, OneMarketData

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