#PLOS #SfN15 Recap: Intimidating Science–Tailoring Science Classes to Non-majors, by Natasha …
Imagine being told that you had to take a course from a major that, for most of your life, was considered “hard.” The only classes available are for students that want to be in that major. Picture being surrounded by all the students of that major, competing to get the top spots, while you are there just to get a passing grade. Intimidating, and not so fair, isn’t it? Yet this is what non-science majors have to face at many institutions in order to fulfill general education requirements. As a result, some educators began creating courses and materials that create a safe, non-intimidating, space for non-majors to regain interest in the sciences. From this SfN15 session entitled “Teaching Neuroscience to Nonscientists”, there were four themes that repeatedly came up to…
Link to Full Article: #PLOS #SfN15 Recap: Intimidating Science–Tailoring Science Classes to Non-majors, by Natasha …