Short Course at Robinson College, Cambridge, UK: Sept 16-18, 2016

Deadline for applications: August 1, 2016
Deadline for Bursary applications: June 15, 2016

Aim of Course


The aim of this weekend event is to address the personal, societal and theological implications of advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics. 

What does it mean to be human in a society increasingly influenced and penetrated by intelligent machines?  

  • What are the potential risks and the benefits of this technology, and how should ethical issues be addressed?
  • How do fictional representations of AI and robotics influence contemporary attitudes and technological priorities?
  • How should traditional religious conceptions of humanity be re-imagined in an age of intelligent machines?
  • To what extent do visions of a posthuman future transformed by technology reflect or replace traditional religious apocalyptic aspirations?

These issues are complex, multifaceted and highly contested.  Our aim is to host a conversation between participants from a range of disciplines, including computing and robotics, sociology, anthropology, ethics and theology.

The residential costs for the course are £290 (£190 non residential) full price participant, £250 (£150 non residential) for post doc’s and £190 (£90 non residential) for students

A limited number of bursaries (scholarships) are available – see the Bursaries section of our website. Student members of Christians in Science (UK) may be eligible for a CiS bursary – for more details contact the CiS Development Officer Emily Sturgess on

Speakers (listed in alphabetical order) and topics

Click on a speaker’s name to obtain brief biographical details.

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