Researchers develop breathalyzer app that could prevent drunk driving accidents

Young adult woman blowing in police issue breathalyzer Photo Credit: Powerofforever / Getty Images Israel An Israeli student’s new app uses IoT and machine learning to keep dangerous drivers off the road &nbspGabriel Avner4 hours ago With New Year’s Eve just around the corner, millions of people are beginning to ask themselves the same question. No, it’s not if they can really lose 20 pounds in 2017 or any of the other resolutions (read lies) that we tell ourselves every year. It’s how the hell are we going to get home from the party after. If you have been drinking, then please, please, please, do not get behind the wheel of a car. It is estimated that some 10,000 people are killed every year as a result of drunk driving.…

Link to Full Article: Researchers develop breathalyzer app that could prevent drunk driving accidents

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